Friday 8 November 2013

As. Starting his journal.

“Yes, I agree, I should have started this way before… but thinking again about the begins is not always a easy thing. Even now, while I’m writing this, I still have problems deciding when starts it. Ok, just focus, here I go…

As you probably know at this point, explaining to the human world that they weren’t the most evolved specie was not an easy thing. That reason, among the fact that most governments and big companies wanted to take advantage of it; it’s why I think that they kept it on secret for damn too long. And that was one of the main reasons because we started all that Poker thing. At the beginning, we were just thinking about revealing the truth to the world and helping as much as we can the Given to be part of society. But, like always, that kind of goals are not as simply as we thought, and we’ve had to take lots of difficult decisions. But, at the end, I have to admit that I’m proud the way we’ve done, despite probably I’d change a couple of choices.

Before starting to explain what is Poker and why we started it, I think I should”

The door just got opened by a kick and an exhaust guy appears, trying to speak between heavy breaths. He was wearing a long black coat and an comical hat, he really seemed like a magician. A big silver coin was shining at his neck.

-As, they really need you. What are you doing? Are you… writing? We are waiting for you and you are fuc…?
-Chill, Karonte. He have some time, so I was just trying to making a good use of it. I’m almost ready, give me a sec.

Karonte understood that his ‘boss’ just wanted to be alone a bit more time, so he exit quickly through the door, and the wind of the room closed it. “C’mon boy”, As started to talk with himself, “stop drowning at your remembers like an old man, and start preparing yourself for the battle. You need to be on a really good mindset if you want to not have any surprise. You won’t have always the luck on your side…”, he sarcastically smiled. “Oh, well, you know, you are a really lucky guy”. He took a small stress ball from his desk and threw it to a wall. Luckily, the ball just hit enough hard to making fall a dagger from a bookshelf landing perfectly at the bed. The second hit of the ball was aiming just on a card deck, making it fly and landing just beside the dagger. As just raised one hand and the ball finished there after bouncing a couple of times more. “It was really a nice shot. A cheating one, that’s true, but so beautiful shot”. After picking everything necessary, he put on his long black coat, his comical hat, and left the room, asking the wind to close the door. 

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